
Adegboye Samson

           Adegboye Samson, popularly known as Nazarite was born in Lagos State. While growing up, he lived in several states of western Nigeria. He was born to the family of the Late Evangelist Joel Adegboye and the Late Mrs. Christianah Adegboye. His father was a clergy in the Celestial Church of Christ, who had served mainly in the sub-urban regions within the western states and the middle belt. His father was known for building up the local parishes in the Lord through sound biblical teachings and motivating the completion/upgrading of the infrastructures.

           His mother Christianah belongs to a musical team that had the vision to produce gospel albums, but they could not actualize the vision. Adegboye Samson now seems to combine the ministry of his late parent as he serves as a teacher and a singer. Adegboye Samson has had the grace of songwriting from the age of about ten. He was privileged to have his written song used by the choir at an event before he turned eleven. His parents had encouraged him to sing for the Lord at all times and would not allow him to be on the musical instruments.

Nazarite Ministries

           He studied Industrial Chemistry at Adekunle Ajasin University, where he encountered God and became committed to living a new life in Christ. He served as the Choir Coordinator, where he picked up an understanding of the choir as a ministry. He cut the vision and pioneered the Nazarite Song Ministry, ordinated in 2010 with six other members from the same Student Parish. But in 2014, he decided to move on alone as distance separated the founding members of the ministry.

           Adegboye Samson is called to herald a coming revival within the Celestial Church of Christ and the White Garment Churches. He believes that his immediate circle of Christianity has suffered spiritual decline and hence, needs sound teaching and spiritual music as a tonic and build-up towards Spiritual Reawakening. 

He looks forward to the fulfillment of the Scriptures in the Celestial Church, where;

And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the LORD.’ Everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already.
- Heb. 8:11

           The Ministry has produced three albums, Help My Faith in 2012, Iroyin Alafia in 2016, and Call to Worship in 2022. He dropped a single in 2021 and ministered in several online series within the past two years. He has tilted more toward worship music as he considers it a better avenue to communicate the message to the heart of his audience, and he is better known for this; as a worship leader.

His mission is to carry out the admonishing of Apostle Paul in his letter to the believers in Colossae;

Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.
- Col 3:16

           He does this by teaching with sound biblical hermeneutics and singing to create an enabling atmosphere for a corresponding interaction between men and God. Adegboye Samson bagged his second degree from the prestigious West Africa Theological Seminary, in Masters of Divinity, and he is currently a candidate for the Doctor of Ministry at the same institution. He is married to Oluwadamilola Adegboye and blessed with two lovely children.

