Sunday Lessons Review

    The Sunday Lessons review is specifically for his local assembly (Celestial Church of Christ). It is a short weekly series that attempts to simplify the main message of the chosen lessons for the Sunday Service. It also aims at ensuring sound biblical hermeneutics and serves as a guide for preachers. The review usually comes every Friday in preparation for the Sunday Service and is uploaded to the Facebook Page. This week’s topic is ADAM FORSHADOWS JESUS

    H and H Class for CCC Preachers

    Hermeneutics and Homiletics Class is an online and offline teaching session for preachers who are willing to learn tips that will enhance their interpretation of the Bible, preparation of sermons, and delivery of sermons. Interested parishes may invite Adegboye Samson for the crash training, and must meet the basic requirements that will facilitate learning. Training is free. Minimum number of participants is twelve.

    Discipleship Training

    The need for a deliberate and effective Discipleship training cannot be overemphasized for the modern-day church. Converts should grow into Christian maturity and as well train others to be followers of Christ.
    The Discipleship Training program, however, is set to kick off by June 2025. The course outline features 48 lessons that must be completed in two years, Seel details in Discipleship.