1. Sunday Lessons Summary
  2. The Sunday Lessons review is a short weekly series that attempts to simplify the main message of the chosen lessons for the Sunday Service. It also aims at ensuring sound biblical hermeneutics and serves as a guide for preachers. The review usually comes every Thursday in preparation for the Sunday Service. This week's lesson summary is titled WISE DECISION FOR LIVING

  3. Biblical Hermeneutics and Homiletics Crash Training
  4. Nazarite Ministry coordinates crash training in Biblical Hermeneutics and Homiletics for individuals and preachers who are willing to enhance their interpretation of the Bible, preparation of sermons, and sermon delivery.

    The offline training is held once every quarter (in Lagos only), at any parish who have a minimum of twenty candidates for the training. Such parishes must have concluded with the ministry a month before the commencement of the training (January, April, July, and October). This offline training is a 6-hour class session, to be conducted in a single day. Other terms and conditions apply

    The Online training offers wide participation across countries and regions. It is held every quarter of the year in March, June, September, and December. The Class stretches through a period of 4 weekends, taking one hour per session, totaling 4hours. The class session takes 70 percent of the training while reading assignments take 30 percent. Other terms and conditions apply

    The registration for the next edition of the online training coming up in June is CLOSED!!!

  5. African Christianity Series
  6. The African Christianity Series is a monthly series that identifies the challenges of African Christianity and suggest possible solutions on how they can be addressed and also give room for healthy church growth. This January series is a look at The Rapid Widespread of Gambling.

