Assembling Together

    (Episunagogen- ἐπισυναγωγή)


    “Not forsaking our own assembling together, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day drawing nigh”. Hebrews 10:25

    “Assembling Together” is born out of God’s leading primarily for young believers to come together for fellowship. The vision is to raise a body of young believers, trained in the word of God, holy living, and spiritual development to spearhead God’s purpose for this generation.

    Episunagogen is a place where we can trust God for personal spiritual reawakening as we pray, worship, and share the word of God. Although it is non-denominational, but focuses more on young believers of the White Garment Churches and the Celestial Church especially


    Prayer, Worship, Exhortation, and Hymns Singing

    Constant sharing of the word of God helps us to learn, grow, and live a godly life. The emphasis is on Practical Christianity, Holiness, and Revival, as it relates to us per time and season.

    The importance of genuine worshiping cannot be over-emphasized, we will keep converging with great expectation of the move of God as we worship. We will not give up fervent and effectual praying, stressing spiritual growth and empowerment for service, for God’s kingdom.


    First Quarter                  Saturday 9th March 2024
    Second Quarter                  Saturday 8th June 2024
    Third Quarter                  Saturday 14th September 2024
    Fourth Quarter                  Saturday 7th December 2024

    TIME:                  2 pm to 4:30 pm
    VENUE:                   Depeerless Studio. Olu Aboderin, Punch Estate, Mangoro Bus stop