1ST LESSON: Gen 4:1-8

2ND LESSON: Matt 25:1-13

Genesis chapter 4 opens the consequences of the fall of man, as it translates to further sins

Adam and Eve now have two sons, Cain and Abel; Cain worked the soil, and Abel kept the flocks

Cain and Abel brought offerings to the Lord from their produce. Although Abel’s gift was described as fat, that was not the yardstick for his acceptance over that of Cain

God puts the acceptance of the individuals ahead of the approval of their gifts; here God did not accept Cain, hence his offering

God also cautioned Cain and advised him to do what is right with his life, and then he would be acceptable, else sin would overtake him

Unfortunately, Cain allowed sin. He lured his brother to the field and killed

Jesus tells the Parable of the Ten Virgins as an illustration of the kingdom of heaven with the bottom line that no man would know when Christ would return; hence we must keep the watch

In the ancient Israelite village wedding, the groom’s father would complete the dowry payment at the bride’s parent's home, after which the couple would proceed down the streets to the groom’s parent's home for the wedding party.

The ten bridesmaids here were waiting for the bridegroom who had been considerably delayed.

Five of them were described as foolish because they did not take with them extra oil, while the other five were considered wise because they had extra oil for their lamps. This action dictated the adjective

The Lord did not only refused to open the door but also denied the five when they returned from buying the lacking oil because they had missed his coming

Friends, the spiritual lesson is that it will be too late to repent once Christ has returned, and steadfastness in Christ will not be transferable to another person, like oil.

