1ST LESSON: Malachi 3:7-12

2ND LESSON: Rev 14:14-20

Malachi explains that the Israelites are robbing God through the withholding of tithes and offerings which also translates to the breaking of the terms of the Covenant, evidence of Israel’s backsliding

The rebellion of the Jews is not strange to God because it has been in their nature, yet God appeals that they return to him

The tithe is a tenth of the produce of the land (Deut 12:6), while offerings are freewill and mandatory gifts which include agricultural produce, material goods, or personal valuables, given to the Lord or his sanctuary usually as thank-offering in recognition of God’s goodness and generosity

Israel as a nation thus came under a curse because of their failure to follow the covenant commitment, hence denying themselves of God’s blessings.

Now, God reassures them of abundant harvests and safety from pestilence if they return to him and do the needful

The revelation of John in this passage speaks of harvesting the earth and trampling the winepress.

John saw the exalted Son of Man (Dan 7:13, Matt 24:30; 26:64) with the crown of God, instructed by an angel to reap, for the earth's harvest is ripe.

The harvest of the earth depicts the gathering of God’s people into eternal rest while trampling the winepress describes the judgment of the wicked

The second harvest involves the gathering of grape clusters and crushing the grapes in the winepress. This is a typical method of collecting juice that symbolizes God’s wrath of destroying the wicked nations

The winepress is only symbolic of God’s judgment as the outcome as noted here was blood, not wine, and this represents pain and anguish for the wicked

Friends, God calls that every man should return to him, as he patiently holds back his judgment

