1ST LESSON: Genesis 3:1-24

2ND LESSON: Romans. 5:12-21

Genesis chapter three narrates the fall of man by the act of disobedience, and its consequences

The Serpent deceived the woman twisting God’s instruction, adding that they will not certainly die but be like God, their eyes will be opened and they will know good and evil

The woman desiring the wisdom the fruit will give took it and also gave it to Adam

At God’s visit, they hid, because opened eyes brought about shame for their nakedness

Adam blamed his disobedience on the woman, and the woman blamed the Serpent for her disobedience

God laid a curse of enmity between humans and the serpent, painful childbirth for the woman and the land was also cursed for Adam

God’s redemptive steps involved clothing Adam and Eve with animal skin and expulsion from the Garden

If they take from the Tree of Life at the fallen state, restoration becomes more difficult

In the letter of Paul to the believers in Rome, he contrasted Adam and Christ

Although Adam is a typology of Christ, foreshadowing Christ; He represented humans in the way Christ would represent believers

But sin entered the world through Adam and the sin brought death to everyone, while God’s wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness came to many through Jesus Christ

Adam’s sin of disobedience led to condemnation and Christ’s obedience cancels the sin of man and leads to our being made right with God

Because Adam disobeyed God, many became sinners, and because Jesus obeyed many were made righteous

The law was given to reveal the extent of sin and measures to deal with it but eventually, the law provided more opportunities for disobeying God

Sin had ruled over all people and brought death to them but now through Christ, God’s wonderful grace rules, giving us the right standing with God and resulting in eternal life

