1ST LESSON: Isaiah 51:1-8

2ND LESSON: 1 John 3:1-10

Isaiah prophesied about the time Israel would be under Babylon’s captivity, extending to future events that would take place after the return from the Exile

Ahead of the days, Isaiah called out to those “who trust in the name of the God” and “who pursue righteousness and who seek God” not to lose hope

Instead, they should look at Abraham and Sarah their ancestors, one solitary man when God called him but multiplied to become a nation

In the same way, God will comfort Zion, her ruins and wasteland will become like Eden

God affirms the coming of his mercy and justice, and his salvation, which will extend to the whole world

He also addressed those “who know what is right” not to allow fear of the mortals to cause them to lose faith in what God will do for them

John teaches that people become God’s children when they believe in Christ

At His second coming, Christ will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body

As such, all who have this eager expectation should keep themselves pure, just as Christ

Anyone who sins breaks God’s law, for all sin is contrary to the law of God

Christ took away the sin of the world by offering himself as an atoning sacrifice

Because there is no sin in Christ, no one can continue to indulge in sinful behavior and remain in Christ

Anyone who keeps on sinning does not know Christ but belongs to the Devil who has been sinning from the beginning

On the other hand, the children of God do not go sinning because the Spirit of God dwells within them

Living righteously and loving other believers marks out those who belong to God

