1ST LESSON: Amos 5:10-17

2ND LESSON: Luke 13:1-9

Amos was a shepherd whom God spoke through to Judah and Israel demanding socioeconomic justice and warning them of a coming foreign invasion

The local leaders, merchants, and government officials were confronted for hating those who spoke up for justice and the truth

They took unfair taxes and rent from the poor, built fancy houses for themselves through dishonest gain, and even planted beautiful vineyards

But the word of God says, they will not live in those houses and they will not drink the wine from their vineyards

Because they have hurt people who do right, accepted money to do wrong, and denied the poor justice in court

But seeking good and doing justice is the only way to secure God’s abiding presence and mercy

Otherwise, a time of great sadness would surely come and there would be crying everywhere because God would pass through and punish them

Jesus responded to Herod’s killing of some Galileans who were offering sacrifices in Jerusalem during a major festival and also to the falling of the tower of Siloam on some 18 people

Although calamities often appear as God’s judgment on the unfaithful, these victims were the worst sinners

Hence, those who were not affected by the recent calamities should not assume that they are innocent and therefore immune from God’s judgment

Instead, they should repent or they will perish

Jesus added the parable of a fig tree that the owner wanted to cut down because it had been unfruitful for three years

Its unfruitfulness amounts to a waste of time and resources

But the gardener pleaded for one more year, of special attention and plenty of fertilizer

If I still do not produce fruit, you can cut it down.

God’s mercy displayed despite human sinfulness should not be taken for granted

