Psalms 2 is a part of the introduction to the Psalter that highlights God’s chosen King, whose primary kingly duty was also to be rooted in God’s word.
The key to success for the nations is to serve the Lord and kiss his son.
This was in particular to King David, but it is also a type that looks into future fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the Anointed One and the great “son of David.”
The Psalms narrates how the nations rebel against the Lord and His anointed king, to free themselves of His control.
The Lord responds to their feeble plans, warns them in anger, and affirms his anointed one saying “I have installed my king.”
The Lord anointed echoes God’s promises to him, “You are my son; today I have become your Father”
David’s rule never lived out the entire promise but all fulfilled in Jesus Christ, whose rule extends to the end of the earth.
One of the reasons Paul wrote the first letter to the Thessalonian Christians was to comfort them about the fate of both deceased and living believers at Christ’s return
The church grieves and fears deceased members would miss out on Jesus’s second return compared to believers who are still alive on that day
First, the Thessalonian church should ground their hope for the rising of those who slept in the Lord upon the reality of Jesus’ resurrection; this guarantees that God will resurrect believers
The second reason for hope is “according to the Lord’s word”, Jesus’ authoritative teaching, not Paul’s opinion.
Christ’s return will be a public event as he comes down from heaven, the deceased will rise first and would not miss out on Christ’s return, then the ascension of living believers