1ST LESSON: Esther 4:1-17

2ND LESSON: Mark 8:31-38

Haman had succeeded to buy-in King Xerxes to seal the elimination of all Jews across the Persian Empire at the time the Jews were in exile.

When Mordecai and the Jews received public notification of the date fixed for their execution, they broke down and wailed.

Mordecai reported to Queen Esther the money Haman had promised to pay into the royal treasure, he also presented a copy of the edict for their annihilation.

For Esther to appear before the King without an invitation is an offense punishable by death, but Mordecai persuaded that her position as the Queen could be intended by God for the deliverance of God's people.

“If I perish, I perish,” said Esther. she decided to risk going to the King uninvited but would observe fasting with her servants, Mordecai and the Jews should do the same.

In the second lesson, Jesus predicts his death, telling the disciples how he would suffer, be rejected, and be executed but would rise on the third day.

This contradicts the Messianic expectations of Peter and the disciples, so Peter rebuked Jesus.

Jesus seeing their human concerns rebuked them and their views; the disciples should bear the concerns of God.

Jesus who had been characterized by astonishing authority and power now embraced being the “suffering servant” as well as the cross

He called on the crowd and his disciples clearly stating the cost of being his disciples; each man must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Jesus.

To follow Jesus means that we must die to our agenda, whether social, political, or spiritual.

Furthermore, possessing the entire world means nothing if one does not have eternal life.

For anyone ashamed to be associated with Jesus in this corrupt world, Jesus will not acknowledge them before the Father

