1ST LESSON: Prov 8:1-22

2ND LESSON: Titus 3:1-11

Wisdom strategically positioned herself calling out to all people from the hilltop, crossroads, and entrance gate and on the road leading in

In self-eulogy, she is truth-speaking, detests deception and there is nothing devious or crooked in her advice.

In values, her instruction is better than silver, even pure gold, and rubies, nothing you can desire compare with it

Wisdom lives with good judgment, she possesses knowledge and discretion, and she hates pride, arrogance, evil behavior, and perverse speech, just as all those who fear the Lord does

She’s known for common sense, success, insight, and strength, all by which kings reign and rulers make just decrees

Those who search for wisdom will find her. She has riches, honor, enduring wealth, and justice and loves those who love her

Wisdom walks in righteousness, in paths of justice, for the Lord formed her from the beginning before he created anything else.t

In the second lesson, Paul writes to Titus whom he had assigned to put things in order among the gathering of believers on the island of Crete

Against the social and political background of the people, Titus should remind the believers in Crete of the importance of doing what is goodbr>
They are to submit to the government and its officers, should be obedient, avoid quarreling and not slander anyone

Paul shares his pasts marked with folly, disobedience, lust, envy, and hatred but now saved and transformed by the kindness and love of God

He has experienced the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit whom God poured out on him generously through Jesus Christ the Savior

Titus should emphasize this saving means against talks about family histories and the keeping of Jewish laws because they are useless and a waste of time

People with stubborn views about the Christian message and apostolic doctrine must be warned, once, or twice and then avoided

