1ST LESSON: Exodus 23:16-22

2ND LESSON: Luke 12:22-34

God spoke through Moses to the Israelites about the three annual festivals they must observe when they arrive at the Promised Land; a part of Israel’s covenant obligations given at Sinai

The rebellion of the Jews is not strange to God because it has been in their nature, yet God appeals that they return to him

First, the festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Harvest to be celebrated with firstfruits, and the Festival of Ingathering to be observed at the end of the agricultural year

All Israelite males must appear before the Sovereign Lord these three times sacrificing the best portions

The blood of sacrifice must be void of anything containing yeast, fats of festival offerings must not be kept till morning and young goat must not be cooked in its mother’s milk

On their journey to the Promised Land, they should obey God’s angel (also closely identified with God himself) would prepare the way and be an enemy to their enemies if they listen to and do what he says.

In the second lesson, Jesus instructed his disciples not to worry about food needed to stay alive or clothes for the body. Their life and body is more important and valuable to God

The raven does not sow or reap, yet God feeds them, how much more do the disciples

Worrying is anxiety about an actual or potential problem. It makes no positive impact in any given situation

God who cares for flowers and makes them so beautiful, even if their lifespan is so short, would clothe his followers and do more if they have faith in him

Now, instead of setting our hearts on what to eat or drink, our thought should be occupied with God’s kingdom matters, and then He will ensure we don’t lack these other things we need

Do not accumulate earthly possessions, give, and store up treasures for yourself in heaven

