1ST LESSON: Exodus 32:1-29

2ND LESSON: Rev. 17:1-18

At such a critical time when Israel was receiving the law at Mount Sinai, the people engaged in idolatry as Moses was delayed in returning to the camp

The people requested Aaron to make them gods and surrendered their gold earrings to him. Aaron made out of it a golden calf; he also built an altar in front of the calf

The leaders declared “these are your gods who brought you up out of Egypt”.

By this, they not only broke the Covenant term (Ex 20:4) but also attributed their deliverance to idols

Requesting for gods who will go before them implies rejecting God’s leadership and protection

They offered burnt offering and fellowship offering to the image assuming it to reflect the Lord’s presence in the camp, they hosted a wild party

God saw from heaven and informed Moses of what the people had done, God instantly rejected the people but Moses interceded for them

Moses came down, destroyed the calf completely, and ordered the Levites to kill those that had gone wild, three thousand in all

The second lesson requires the understanding of interpreting symbolism as

John narrates his vision of “Babylon, the Prostitute on the Beast”.

Babylon, the famous prostitute, will be punished because of her corrupting influence.

She has seduced the nations into idolatry and immorality through the empty promises of political power and economic gain

In John’s revelation, she sits on a beast with seven heads and ten horns, covered with evil names, and held a cup filled with terrible evil things and the filth of her sexual sin

The beast would make war against the Lamb but the King of kings will defeat them and with him will be his chosen and faithful followers, the people he has called to be his

Friends, as we journey on, let us stay clear of idolatry

