1ST LESSON:Deut. 7:6-16

2ND LESSON:Phil. 4:1-8

When God brings Israel to the Promised Land occupied by seven great nations, they are to destroy them completely, make no treaty with or intermarry them.

They are to eliminate every vestige of the Canaanite religion by breaking down their altars, for these nations will be a trap and lead the people’s hearts to the worship of gods, and God’s anger will pour on Israel.

God has chosen Israel as a holy people, his special treasure because of his love for them and his faithfulness to the covenant made with their ancestors.

God keeps his covenant to those who love him but punishes those who reject him, hence, Israel must keep the commands, decrees, and regulations.

By this God will bless and give them many children, make their land fertile and their animals reproduce fast.

Israel will be blessed above all nations, no woman will be childless, and all will be protected from sickness and the terrible diseases they knew in Egypt.

In the close of Paul’s letter to God’s holy people in Jesus Christ at Philippi, he urged the brethren to stay true to the Lord as he notes that they are his joy and crown received for his work.

Two individuals mentioned, Euodia and Syntyche were encouraged to settle their disagreement, having served so well as partners to Paul in the sharing of the Good News.

Rejoicing always, let people testify of you that you are considerate in your doings, and remember the Lord’s coming.

Do not worry about anything, pray everything, tell God what you need, and appreciate all he has done.

The result of prayer is God’s gift of peace; the secure confidence that God is sovereign and loving.

Therefore, they should fix their thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.

