Solomon compares the desire of the wise/righteous to the fool/wicked and the results thereof.
He teaches that positive aspirations end in good to others as well as to the righteous themselves while those who advantage themselves by disadvantaging others will eventually experience what they intended for others
People who give freely will grow more prosperous, while the people who withhold unduly will come to poverty, as an outcome of being generous or stingy
In addition, holding back from giving does not guarantee the sufficiency of your resources
Some people hoard when they sense a coming scarcity so that they can sell at an inflated rate to make multiple-fold profits but such persons are considered selfish.
A generous man instead, is more concerned about the well-being of the community than selfish gain; he trusts in his God and not his wealth, and such will not fall
True disciples are those who leave everything and follow Jesus as against focusing on the futility of accumulating wealth and possessions
Rather efforts should be made to secure an account in heaven enriched with treasures, by this your heart will long for where your riches are, for the true treasure will be gained in heaven
Jesus also urged the disciples to be watchful, alert, and ready since his return would be unexpected
Jesus illustrates further with a master’s expectation from his servants
They should be on standby as servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding feast, and then they will open the door and let him in the moment he arrives and knocks
The servants ready and waiting will be rewarded
Jesus’ return is also represented by the image of a thief who comes when no one expects
Therefore, disciples must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected