1ST LESSON:Hosea 10:12-15

2ND LESSON:Acts 5:1-11

Hosea was called to predict the destruction of Israel as he prophesied during the reigns of Israel’s last seven kings (Northern Kingdom)

This passage is an excerpt of judgment warnings with a retrospective tone, a review of past situations.

Israel had the opportunity to plant goodness and reap faithful love; instead, they have planted evil and have continually experienced the harvest of trouble.

The prophets had warned of wars and invasion overtaking them, but they ignored the warning and presumed the strength of their military would outmarch the invasion threat.

The story of Beth Arbel’s destruction was an appropriate reminder of what God was about to do to northern Israel’s top worship center, Bethel.

The king of Israel will be destroyed, and the nation conquered by its enemies.

This is because of the idolatry of the people and their faithlessness towards God.

The second lesson

One of the characteristics of the Early Church was sharing their possession in common.

The author of Acts mentioned an excellent example of a man named Joseph who sold his field and brought the money to the Apostles (Act 4:36).

Ananias followed his step but decided to keep back some money, and declaring a false price for which he sold the land.

As Peter rebuked him for lying to the Holy Spirit and allowing Satan to fill his heart, Ananias fell and died immediately.

Ananias’ wife arrived a few hours later and repeated the same story before Peter, for they had both agreed on this from home.

They had both conspired to deceive the church leaders and God, consequently ending up in the instant death punishment for both.

God’s response to this act triggered the fear of God in the church.

Friends, when Satan is allowed to fill one’s heart, it will result in continuous disobedience and thus lead to destruction.

