1ST LESSON:Job 7:1-21

2ND LESSON:Heb. 4:1-7

The seventh chapter presents Job's response to Eliphaz's first speech, for his three friends had visited him to sympathize and comfort him

Eliphaz’s idea is that an innocent person does not suffer and that Job must have sinned and God’s punishment is to put him back on the right road

Job speaks in pain, asking if all human life is not only struggles.

With his skin covered with sores, worms, and scabs, Job complained of his sleepless night experience, long and weary of misery, with the thought of when morning would come

Job was alarmed that he would die soon and vanish away and just like anyone who dies, would not come to his house again and his place would know him no more

In his pain, Job hates his life and would rather choke to death than live or God should pardon his sins if any

He is eager to know why God pays so much attention to humans, and why God tests us.

In the Second lesson, the author of Hebrews speaks about a Sabbath-Rest for the people of God

He quoted Psalms 95, where David had made reference to the Israelite generation who rebelled through unbelief, hardened hearts, and disobedience

That generation could not enter God’s rest because the message they heard was of no value to them

In this context, rest meant refreshment and prosperity in the land God promised them, God’s presence in their midst, and security from their enemies all around

The evidence of this rest is revealed thus “God rested from all his works on the seventh day”

Because it still remains for some to enter that rest, God set a certain day, calling it “Today”

“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts”

