1ST LESSON:Ezekiel 34:11-31

2ND LESSON:1 Peter 5:1-11

God instructs Ezekiel to prophesy against the shepherds of Israel.

This happened when Israel had been dispersed into Babylon and other nations, and God’s restoring plan was unfolding.

The shepherds are Israel’s leadership; the Kings and their officials, princes, prophets, and priests. They have all failed in their responsibility and only benefited from the privileges.

Therefore, God would take up the leadership by himself, find and gather the dispersed flock from where they are scattered.

God would heal and lead them in justice through the leadership of David’s descent; the Messiah, the good shepherd.

At this time, God would also judge among the flock, the people of influence and power oppressing the poor.

He will make a covenant of peace that will play out from a restored relationship with God.

And there will be showers of blessing, freedom from foreign oppressors, and the awareness of a divine presence.

Apostle Peter appealed to the leaders among God’s chosen people in the Roman Provinces to be the shepherds of God’s flock, caring for the flock God has entrusted to them.

They were to serve because they were eager to serve God, not for what they would get out of it. Not lording it over the people but examples of shepherd leadership with an expectation to receive a crown of glory.

In the same way, younger Christians should submit themselves to the elders, while the youth and elders alike should be clothed in humility to receive God’s favor and uplift when the time is due.

They are to give all their worries to God. Be alert and watch out for the great enemy who prowls around looking.

Resist the devil and stand firm in faith, bearing in mind that believers' suffering is common to all, but God would soon restore, support, strengthen, and place them on a firm foundation.

