The first lesson presents an exhortation at the end of Joshua’s life; renewing God’s covenant with Israel
Joshua began his speech by recapping the history of Israel from Terah and the call of Abraham
He reminded them of Abraham’s origin of idol worshipping, how God led him throughout Canaan and gave him many descendants
From Abraham to Isaac, to Jacob and Esau. Even though Jacob went down to Egypt, God afflicted the Egyptians and brought them out
God gave them victory over all the nations they encountered on their way to the Promised Land
God gave them the land they never toiled, cities they did not build, and vineyards and olive groves they did not plant
These and many more the LORD, the God of Israel, has done.
Therefore, Joshua requested Israel to fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness
They are to choose whom they will serve; God or gods. But Joshua publicly made known his choice
The second lesson narrates how Jesus reinstated Peter as he appeared to him and the other disciples
Recalling how Jesus called Peter to be his disciple, that he would be a fisher of men
But at the trial of Jesus, Peter had denied Jesus three times before daybreak, even after Jesus’ resurrection Peter went back to his fishing occupation
As Jesus broke bread with them, mirroring Peter’s recent threefold denial, Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you love me?”
As Peter responds, reaffirming his love for Jesus, Jesus asked him to take care of His sheep, “feed my sheep”
Here, Jesus restores him to fellowship, commissions him to service, and emphasized his pastoral role
Jesus is also calling us to worship and service
John the author of this book was deliberate about not revealing his identity, but he witnessed all the events