1ST LESSON: Micah 1:1-16

2ND LESSON: Acts 17:1-14

Micah gave a prophetic message to the leaders of Samaria the capital of the northern kingdom and Jerusalem the capital of the southern kingdom.

His message opens with judgment against Samaria and Jerusalem calling the people of the earth as witness.

The Lord will visit them because of the sin of rebellion and idolatry to which Samaria and Judah are guilty.

The city of Samaria will become a heap of ruin, exposing her foundations.

Her carved images will be smashed, sacred treasures will be burned and wealth gathered by her prostitution will be carried away.

The disaster is too late to avert, even the cities that promoted the sins will go into exile, naked and ashamed.

The children they love will be snatched away and their little ones will be exiled to distant lands.

The second lesson presents Paul’s mission and experience in Thessalonica and Berea.

In Thessalonica, he preached in the synagogue; the worship center for the Jews after their return from exile.

Paul explained with prophecies and proved that Jesus was the Messiah, for the people claimed that Jesus could not be the Messiah since he suffered and died.

Some Jews believed, so also many God-fearing Greek men and quite a few prominent women.

This aroused envy from some of the Jews who not only accused Paul’s team of doing things against the laws of Caesar but also formed a mob and began a riot.

Jason and other believers were made to deposit money to guarantee that there would be no more trouble

Then, they sent Paul on his way to another city named Berea.

There he also preached at the synagogue and the people of Berea responded as open-minded.

They were glad to hear the message of Paul and they studied the Scriptures to make sure that what they heard was true.

