1ST LESSON: Isaiah 31:1-11

2ND LESSON: John 1:1-18

At a time when the nations were allying to strengthen themselves against insecurity and threats from rising empires, Israel turned to Egypt instead of turning to God.

The first lesson warns on the policy of trust in the “chariots” and “horsemen”, for Israel has foolishly chosen humanity instead of God, so announces woe to those who rely on Egypt for help.

In God’s response, because they have not sought him for help, both Israel and Egypt will fall together.

The Egyptians are only human, not God, and the horses from Egypt are only animals, not spirit.

Nonetheless, God has a plan for Judah, to defend and save her. Thus God called the people of Israel to return to God.

And God would destroy the Assyrians who were a threat to Israel.

The second lesson presents the prologue to the gospel of John, where he described the Word becoming flesh.

In the beginning, prior creations echo Gen 1:1, here the Word already existed.

God’s Word in the Old Testament is his powerful self-expression in creation, revelation, and salvation, now Jesus personifies the Word as God’s ultimate self-disclosure.

All things were made through him. In him there was life and that life was light for people of the world

John testifies of him so that through John all people could hear about the light and believe.

The Word already come and the world did not recognize him, but some people did accept and believe him, to them, he gave the right to become the children of God.

Not as babies are usually born but they were born from God himself.

The Word not only became a man and lived among the people but they also saw his divine greatness, for he was full of grace and truth

The Word is himself God and has made the Father known.

