1ST LESSON: Deut. 14:22-29

2ND LESSON: 2 Cor 9:1-13

The new generation of Israelites needs to hear the law firsthand, so for a second time, Moses presents the law, this time about the tithe.

Each family must travel to the city where the Temple is situated. There, they are to eat the tithe of the grain, wine, olive oil, and firstborn of herds and flock with his family in the presence of God.

By this, they will learn to honor God always.

Alternatively, they are to convert the tithes to cash if the distance is very far and buy meat and wine needed for the feast with the money.

At the end of every three years, tithes of that year’s produce must be stored up for Levites, strangers, widows, and fatherless.

Although the tithing principle was adopted as a practice in Christianity, tithing in its scriptural details was for the Jews in their national religion, Judaism.

The church in Macedonia had done great because Paul had boasted to them about the promised generous gift of the Corinthian church.

The Corinthian church must not underperform

Hence, Paul urged the Corinthian church to finish collecting the gift in support of the Jerusalem church ahead of his coming.

He sent Titus with two church delegates to supervise the collections before his arrival so that there would not be any issue of disappointment on his arrival.

They would also have ample time to make up their mind so that the gift would not be a result of being coerced, and possibly leading to giving grudgingly.

Paul did not make demands according to his apostolic authority; instead, he reminded them that the proportion of harvest is determined by the quantity sowed.

Friends, whosoever gives generously will reap both the spiritual grace and material prosperity that the Lord provides.

