170TH EDITION, JULY 30TH, 2023

1ST LESSON: Mal 4:1-6

2ND LESSON: 2 Pet 3:1-18

Malachi’s message closes with the judgment and covenant renewal

Surely the day is coming with a fire that will burn evildoer as fire burn stalks of the plant left off after harvest

That responds to the concern raised in the previous chapter (3:14-15), where evildoers prosper and seem to get away with it. The end will tell

But for those who revere God’s name, restoration and healing will come to them, and they will trample on the wicked

The day of the Lord will bring reward according to what every man has done

Therefore, the people remember the law of Moses that God gave them at Horeb

God would also send the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes, who would cause the reversal of attitude - repentance

Moses and Elijah represent the ideals of the Old Testament law and the prophets

Apostle Peter also reminds believers of the coming day of the Lord, referring to the prophets and commandments of Jesus through the apostles.

People will mock you by saying what happens to the “coming of Christ” you have been talking about but forgetting that God is deliberately holding on so that they might repent of their sins.

Both Malachi and Peter referred to the use of fire in God’s judgment

Therefore, we should make every effort to live holy, godly, and peaceful lives; pure and blameless in God’s sight as we look forward to the new heavens and earth that God promised

Peter warns that believers should be on guard so that they will not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people and lose their secure footing

Rather, they must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus

