1ST LESSON: Jeremiah 7: 1-15

2ND LESSON: 1 Cor 10:14-22

At a time the inhabitants of the northern kingdom (Israel) had been conquered, the seventh chapter of the Book of Jeremiah warned the people of the southern kingdom (Judah), stating the conditions that would make them live safely in the Promised Land.

The people of the southern kingdom had conceived a deceptive impression that Judah could not be invaded because it hosted the Temple of God.

But God calls out instead that they should reform their ways and actions and he would let them live.

They should stop oppressing foreigners, fatherless, and widows, and not shed innocent blood, or follow other gods and commit all sorts of sins.

God reminded them that Shiloh had been where he put his Name, but Shiloh fell.

It is foolishness to break the terms of the covenant recklessly and still expect to find acceptance at the house on which the Lord placed his Name as well as with God.

In the second lesson, Apostle Paul in his letter to the believers in Corinth, exhorts and warms them from Israel’s history.

Apostle Paul warned that they should flee from idolatry and not participate in banquets held in pagan temples.

The cup of wine that believers in Christ thank God for and drink at the Lord’s Supper is a sharing in Christ's blood sacrifice, and the bread likewise.

Though we are many we are united as we all share in that one loaf.

Sacrifice to an idol is nothing and the things offered to idols are worth nothing because food offered to idols is an offering to demons, not God.

Hence, Paul warned that they should not share anything with demons.

You cannot drink from the cup of the Lord and then go and drink a cup that honors demons, likewise a meal.

Doing that would make the Lord jealous.

