1ST LESSON: Amos 9: 11-15

2ND LESSON: Revelation 21:1-8

Amos is one of the twelve minor prophets, though a farmer was but one whose message was recorded at length.

He prophesied when Israel enjoys great prosperity, notable religious piety, and apparent security

Amos preached about repentance and the Day of the Lord to the people of the Northern kingdom (Israel)

Though his fifth and final vision depicts the destruction of the Temple, nonetheless, God would preserve a remnant for himself and restore the kingdom of David

Israel will possess the neighboring nations whom God has called to be his, thereby becoming part of the Davidic kingdom.

By this, God foretells the inclusion of the Gentiles among the people of God.

This restoration will be characterized by abundance; grain and grapes will grow faster than they can be harvested.

The exiled will return, live in peace, and be secured in their land

As John concludes the sequence of visions of divine judgment and restoration, the twenty-first chapter of the Book of Revelation talks about a new heaven and a new earth concluding

The holy city, New Jerusalem represents God’s redeemed people as a voice from the throne confirmed by announcing “Now God’s home is with people. He will live with them…”

To this new abode, God will bring perfect comfort and remove the source of sorrow; the curse and brokenness of the “old order” of sin.

The Alpha and Omega will fully satisfy and provide for his people in the new creation

Nonetheless, the promise is for those who are victorious and those who preserve the faith

But those who are cowards, those who refuse to believe, those who do terrible things, those who kill, those who sin sexually, those who do magic, those who worship idols, and those who tell lies will have a place in the lake of burning sulfur, which is the second death

