1ST LESSON:Hosea 10: 12-15

2ND LESSON:2 Cor 9:1-10

Hosea was called to predict the destruction of Israel as he prophesied during the reigns of Israel’s last seven kings (northern kingdom)

This passage is an excerpt of judgment warnings with a retrospective tone, a review of past situations.

Israel was privileged to plant goodness and reap faithful love; instead, they have planted evil and have continually experienced the harvest of trouble.

The prophets had warned of wars and invasion overtaking them, but they ignored the warnings and presumed the strength of their military would outmarch any possible invasion.

The story of Beth Arbel’s destruction was an appropriate reminder of what God was about to do to northern Israel’s top worship center, Bethel.

The king of Israel will be destroyed, and the nation will be conquered by its enemies. This is because of the idolatry of the people and their faithlessness towards God.

The church in Macedonia had done great because Paul had boasted to them about the promised generous gift of the Corinthian church.

Now, the Corinthian church must not disappoint Paul

Paul urged the Corinthian church to finish the collection of gifts in support of the Jerusalem church ahead of his coming.

He sent Titus with two church delegates to supervise the collections before his arrival so that there would not be any issue of disappointment on his arrival.

The church would also have ample time to make up their mind so that the gift would not come out of coercion, possibly leading to giving grudgingly.

Paul also did not make demands according to his apostolic authority; instead, he urged and reminded them that the proportion of harvest is determined by the quantity sowed.

Friends, whosoever gives generously will reap both the spiritual grace and material prosperity that the Lord provides.

