1ST LESSON: Joshua 11:1-15

2ND LESSON: Acts 17:1-14

Under the leadership of Joshua, Israel defeated the five Amorite kings and conquered the Southern cities

When Jabin, the king of Hazor heard about everything, he invited all the kings of the North to fight against Israel, all forming a vast horde of army that looked like sand of the seashore

But God told Joshua not to be afraid, for God will allow Israel to defeat them

He further instructed that Joshua should cut the legs of the enemies' horses and burn their chariots after defeating them

So, Joshua gave a surprised attack and fought until none of the enemies was left alive and cut the horse's leg as instructed

He attacked the Hazor, the city of King Jabin, and destroyed it along with the cities of the Northern kings

Joshua was successful because he followed the injunctions of God as given through Moses

In the second lesson, someone in the church at Corinth had caused sadness to the church, the offense has to do with Apostle Paul

Now, Paul held back his visit to Corinth and wrote a letter to be delivered by Titus, so that he would not hurt them more by his visit, for he was greatly grieved

Paul acknowledged that a group in the church had opposed the offender and had punished him

However, Paul requested that the church reaffirm their love for him by forgiving and comforting him, otherwise he may be overcome by discouragement

After a discipline that leads to repentance, the church should forgive the offender so that Satan would not win

Paul was so troubled about the incident at Corinth and the church that he could not concentrate on preaching at Troas until he found Titus at Macedonia with relieving reports

The message of salvation smells good to those who are being saved and stinks to those who are perishing

