159TH EDITION, MAY 14TH, 2023

1ST LESSON: Nahum 1:1-15

2ND LESSON: Rom 3:1-20

About a century earlier, Jonah had preached to Nineveh but their repentance was only for a short time, the Assyrians remained cruel to the Israelites

Now, God speaks through the prophet Nahum

Nahum opens his letter to describe the nature of God as full of justice and mercy, He tolerates no rival and never lets the guilty go unpunished

Same time, the Lord is good; He protects his people in times of trouble and takes care of those who turn to him

Where the Lord walks, a storm arises. Mountains quake in the presence of the Lord, and the world and all people tremble

The Lord said to Israel: “Even though the Assyrians are strong and numerous, they will be destroyed and disappeared.

God would end the power of the Assyrians over the Israelites, and take away the affliction of Judah

Messengers of good news will arrive at Judah, there will be peace and true Israel worship will be restored

The theme of the second passage, a letter from Paul to the church in Rome, is that the whole human race both Jew and Gentile, needs to be put right with God, for all alike are under the power of sin

Though the Jews were entrusted with the whole revelation of God, some of them remain unfaithful, but God remains faithful

Those who say they should not be judged because their dishonesty highlights God’s truthfulness and brings him more glory, deserve to be condemned

Both Jews and Gentiles have turned away, no one is righteous

In respect of the Law of Moses, “No one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are.”

What then makes us right?

