164TH EDITION, JUNE 18TH, 2023

1ST LESSON: Ezra 9:1-15

2ND LESSON: 1 John 5:1-13

Ezra and his contemporaries, Zerubbabel played significant roles in the religious reformation of Israel after the exile

Zerubbabel led the first return and the rebuilding of the altar and Temple, Ezra led the second return and adherence to the Law, while Nehemiah led the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem

After Ezra’s troops returned and the Levites and temple servants were reinstated, they were faced with the report of intermarriage with the original inhabitants of Canaan.

The remnant, the returnees, leaders, and officials alike, are guilty of this

This was the foundational problem that led to the exile in the first place; intermarriage lured the Israelites into idol worshipping and rebellion

Ezra visibly expressed sorrow and anger, fell to his knees, and spread out his hands in prayer

He confessed the sins of the whole community in the awareness of God’s holiness

John in the second lesson further expresses the victory that comes through our faith

First, everyone who believes that Jesus is Christ has become a child of God.

Becoming a child of God implies a birth initiated by the Spirit of God and it takes place in conjunction with our faith in Christ

The evidence of being God’s children is keeping God’s command and loving others

Believing in Jesus also grants God’s children victory over this evil world

This Jesus was revealed to us as God’s Son by his baptism in water and by the shedding of his blood on the cross, likewise by the Spirit

Those who believe in the Son of God know in their heart that the testimony about him is true and those who do not believe call God a liar

God in the Son gives us eternal life, and whoever believes has the Son, and whoever has the Son has life

