1ST LESSON: Proverbs 23:22-26

2ND LESSON: Mark 9:33-37

Proverbs chapter twenty-three forms a part of the thirty "sayings of the wise" and the verses of our lesson is the seventeenth saying

These thirty sayings share several similarities with the ten sayings of the Egyptian sayings of Amenemope; practical injunctions for living

Solomon is probably responsible for adapting the sayings of the sages in this section categorized as Collection III of the Book of Proverbs

Solomon admonished the youth to listen to their father, significantly because without the father, the child could not have been born

In addition, children should respect their mothers even when she’s old; the respect should not wane

Truth, wisdom, learning, and understanding are worth paying money for. Pay for it and do not sell it when you have it, they are worth far too much to ever sell

In the end, a wise child would make his father proud. Children should be committed to making their parents proud

The second lesson narrates a scene that occurred as Jesus and his disciples journeyed through Galilee to Capernaum

They had argued about who was the greatest but they kept quiet when Jesus asked the reason for their argument

Perhaps they felt embarrassed or did not want Jesus to interfere until they resolved the pecking order among themselves

However, the concern for greatness indicated that the “yeast” of Herod (self-promoting) is present in the house

Jesus was deliberate in giving this fundamental answer to their argument “Anyone who wants to be the first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”

The cross-bearing discipleship that Jesus teaches his disciples is characterized by self-denial against self-promotion

Hence, a leader must be like a child; the least important member of ancient society who had no power or status

Anyone who welcomes little children in the name of Christ welcomes Christ and also accepts the Father

