1ST LESSON: Isaiah 50:1-11

2ND LESSON: Col. 1:12-23

The first lesson talks about the sin of Israel and of the obedient servant

The people are holding to the notion that God was compelled to send them into exile

But God spoke through the prophet Isaiah that He did not initiate the divorce of their mother, neither did He sell them as slaves to his creditors

But they were sold because of their sins, and their mother was sent away because of her transgression

Isaiah testifies that God has given him a well-instructed tongue so that he knows how to comfort the weary

God wakens Isaiah every morning and opens his understanding to His will

Isaiah is obedient and not rebellious; he is submissive not only to God but also to humans

He was determined to do God’s will in the face of persecution and continue to call on the people who walk in darkness to trust in the name of the LORD and rely on their God

In the second lesson, Apostle Paul brought the attention of the believers in Colossae to their inheritance

In the second lesson, Apostle Paul brought the attention of the believers in Colossae to their inheritance

God has enabled them to share in the inheritance of his people who live in the light

The people He has rescued from the kingdom of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of his dear Son

Purchased and forgiven through Christ’s blood on the cross

This Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God, through whom everything was created, including thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen

God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ and through him reconciled everything to himself

This includes us who were once far away from God

We must continue to believe in this truth and stand firmly in it.

We must not drift away from the assurance we received when we heard the Good News

