168TH EDITION, JULY 16TH, 2023

1ST LESSON: Job 33:19-33

2ND LESSON: Heb 10:19-31

Job was a man God described as blameless and upright, yet permitted to be tempted by Satan.

Amid his agony, his three friends sympathized, comforted him and stood as a defense for God

In the chapter in consideration, Elihu made a case against Job for accusing God of finding fault and punishing him for having done no wrong

Elihu claimed that perhaps Job’s sin had attracted God’s punishment

He further said, God speaks to man in his dreams and visions, even through severe sickness, so that he may stop sinning and be kept from pride.

If an angel from heaven intervenes and intercedes for the person and declares him upright, such will be rescued from the grave

The angel image painted reflects the work of Christ and the Holy Spirit in the New Testament

In the end, the person will have a personal deliverance experience and testimony

Elihu’s analogy suggests Job’s situation and reflects a bloated sense of his wisdom and a blighted understanding of Job

Having discussed Christ’s sacrifice as once and for all, replacing the laws’ sacrifices, and that the new Covenant ultimately provides for sins, the author of Hebrews concludes, beginning verse nineteen with ‘therefore’.

Since the blood of Jesus now makes a significant difference, we should draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, with body cleansed from sin and hearts inwardly purified

Let us hold firmly to our hope, be concerned for one another, help one another to show love and to do good, and converge for fellowship

The sacrifice of Jesus does not take care of sins deliberately committed after receiving the knowledge of the truth but judgment and the fierce fire awaits those who oppose God

