1ST LESSON: Isaiah 52:7-12

2ND LESSON: Luke 2:8-20

At this point in the ministry of Isaiah, when Jerusalem is weary and asleep, God gave a wakeup call to Zion, asking her to clothe herself with strength

“How wonderful it is to see someone coming over the hills to tell the good news. How wonderful to hear him announce, there is peace! We have been saved! And to hear him say to Zion, Your God is the King.”

“How wonderful it is to see someone coming over the hills to tell the good news. How wonderful to hear him announce, there is peace! We have been saved! And to hear him say to Zion, Your God is the King.”

The watchmen positioned on the walls proclaimed joy to the ruins of Jerusalem as they saw the Lord returning to Zion to set Jerusalem free

Therefore, Judah should leave the place of impurity and purify themselves

Just as he delivered them from Egyptian enslavement, He will again deliver them. But this time, they will not be forced to leave in a hurry; the Lord would lead the at the front and from the rear

The second lesson is the fulfillment of the salvation of God that all the ends of the earth shall see

The raven does not sow or reap, yet God feeds them, how much more do the disciples

The second lesson is the fulfillment of the salvation of God that all the ends of the earth shall see

The angel announced to them that the Messiah has been born, the good news that will cause great joy for all the people

Just as he has spoken the shepherds confirmed the signs, they found Mary, Joseph, and the baby; a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger

The Shepherds went about spreading the word concerning what had been told them about the child, glorifying and praising God

But Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart

But Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart

