1ST LESSON:Proverbs 11:23-28

2ND LESSON:Mark 4:26-29

Solomon compares the desire of the wise/righteous to the fool/wicked and the results thereof.

He teaches that positive aspirations end in good to others as well as to the righteous themselves while those who advantage themselves at the expenses of others will eventually experience what they intended for others

People who give freely will grow more prosperous, while the people who withhold unduly will come to poverty, as an outcome of being generous or stingy

Holding back from giving does not guarantee the sufficiency of your resources; you won’t gain more by withholding, but you are at the danger of going poor if you withhold unduly

A generous man instead, is more concerned about the well-being of the community than selfish gain; he trusts in his God and not his wealth, and such will not fall

Some people hoard stock when they sense a coming scarcity so that they can sell at an inflated rate to make massive profits but such persons are considered selfish, people curse such but pray God’s blessing on those who sell nonetheless.

The second lesson presents one of the parables of Jesus about the Kingdom of God; the Parable of the Growing Seed

Jesus having interpreted a parable earlier had revealed that the seed sown by the farmer is the Word of God and that the purpose of every seed sown is to bear fruit

Here, he sowed the seed and went his way. As time passes the growth moves from one stage to the next.

This implies that the kingdom's growth can neither be forced nor coerced. It might remain a mystery but God’s word contains its own generative power causing the kingdom to grow steadily

But in the end, those whose lives bear fruits by God’s word will be the ones to be harvested unto him at the harvest time

