After a long wilderness experience and close to the period around which God asked them to send spies to the Promised Land, the Israelites complained again of hardship
Following the complaints of some foreigners traveling with them, the Israelites made reference to the vegetables and fish of Egypt and expressed their strong craving for meat
In response, God's anger burned a physical fire destroying some parts of the camp
For God had previously provided quail for them in Exodus (16:3,12-13) and they should have in faith asked again
Instead of comparing their enslavement to God’s deliverance and plan
Moses was also overwhelmed by their attitude and pleaded to God for mercy and help
God again like in Exodus put his Spirit on seventy elders to share the burden of the people
In addition, God provided quail for them but with a punishment; they will eat meat to loathe
The Apostles were growing influence and the message they preached (salvation through Christ) was trending among the people
The Jewish highest council became jealous of them and had the twelve Apostles arrested and locked in prison
But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out
They went again to the temple courts to continue preaching as the angel had instructed them
To the amazement of the Sanhedrin (highest council) the prison door locks are intact but the Apostles are in the temple preaching
They were arrested again and instructed not to teach in the name of Jesus again; the Sanhedrin denied responsibility for the death of Jesus
As for Peter and other disciples, they boldly replied “We must obey God rather than any human authority”
Jesus’ resurrection, exaltation, and the outpouring of the Spirit prove him to be the Messiah, and by him will repentance and forgiveness of sin come to Israel
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