168TH EDITION, JULY 16TH, 2023

1ST LESSON: Deut. 16:9-17

2ND LESSON: Matthew 13:47-52

Moses gave the law a second time to the new generation of Israel, after people of twenty years and above among the generation that rebelled had died.

Chapter sixteen recounts the annual festivals for Israel, Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles, a time all male must go to the sanctuary.

The Festival of Weeks/Pentecost is celebrated seven weeks after the Passover feast. It is celebrated around the May/June equivalent of the Jewish calendar, marking the dedication of the harvest to the Lord.

One of the instructions for this feast is the presentation of a free-will offering in proportion to God’s blessing.

The Festival of Tabernacles place around September/October equivalent of the Jewish calendar.

It is a celebration of God’s blessings at the end of the agricultural year

Israel must in joy celebrate with seven categories of people; sons, daughters, servants, Levites, foreigners, the fatherless, and widows, for sure the Lord will bless their harvest and make their joy complete.

The second lesson likens the kingdom of heaven to a process beginning with casting the net to a lake.

The net scoops whatever comes into its path and in the end is subjected to sorting. The desirable fishes are collected, and others are cast aside.

Jesus used this fishing illustration that his audience is familiar with to establish that at the end of time; there will be sorting and separation of people, based on good and evil, righteousness and wickedness.

The angels of God shall carry this out and the evil people will be thrown into the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth

Friends, the celebration of the annual harvest ceremony without a personal salvation experience is in vain.

Since the life we live now will determine our final placement, we must abide in Christ and be deliberate with our actions and inactions

