1ST LESSON:Gen 8:15-22

2ND LESSON:Acts 5:1-11

After the flood, God instructed Noah and his family to leave the Ark and release all animals so they could multiply throughout the earth.

Noah decided to build an altar for God and present him with a burnt offering, a sacrifice consumed by fire.

It was not only Noah’s self-inclination to give an offering to God but also a reflection of his generosity as he sacrificed from every clean animal that went into the Ark.

God smelled a pleasing aroma; it was acceptable.

God said in his heart not to curse the ground again or destroy all living creatures.

By implication, the ground or earth was cursed because the water of the flood made the earth unproductive for about 370 days, well over a year.

However, God’s promise of enduring times and seasons launches the new world.

One of the characteristics of the Early Church was sharing their possession in common.

The author of Acts mentioned an excellent example of a man named Joseph, who sold a field and brought the money to the Apostles (Act 4:36)

Not long after, Ananias and his wife did the same but decided to keep back some money and declared a false price for which they sold the land.

Just as Peter rebuked him for lying to the Holy Spirit and allowing Satan to fill his heart, Ananias fell and died immediately.

Sapphira, his wife, came in a few hours later, confirming a false price of the field to Peter, but she also fell and died instantly.

They had both conspired to deceive the church leaders, and it consequently ended up in the instant death penalty for them.

God’s instant judgment instilled the fear of God among the people.

Friends, when Satan is allowed to fill one’s heart, it will result in continuous disobedience that leads to destruction.

