1ST LESSON:Numbers 28:26-31

2ND LESSON:Luke 12:13-21

The Festival of Weeks is also called the Festival of Harvest, it is the time the new grain is presented to the Lord marking the beginning of wheat harvest.

It was later commonly known as the Pentecost (the fiftieth day after the Passover), and in the present day observed as Shavuot.

As the second of the three festivals to be celebrated by all male Israelites at the sanctuary, they must call an official day for holy assembly.

It is a time to celebrate the Lord’s provision in the harvest and all life’s provisions.

They are to gather for worship on this day, skip all regular work, and offer burnt offerings to the Lord; as an aroma pleasing to the Lord.

Among which there must be a male goat to make atonement for them, while all animals used must be without blemish.

In the second lesson, Jesus admonished the crowd on the danger of greed as a response to a reported case of a man who was deprived of his portion of inheritance

Jesus said “A person’s true life is not measured by the things he owns” because, in the coming kingdom of God, wealth and pleasure will be unuseful.

According to the Parable, the man with a highly abundant harvest decided to break down his storehouse and build a larger one.

It became a destructive resolution when he said “Then I will say to myself, lucky man! You have all the good things you need for many years. Take life easy, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself."

He was self-glorifying, and self-centered, spoke of such assurance about life, and also decided on a lax and irreverent lifestyle, so, God called him a fool and demanded his life from him.

The question is, Who will get what you have prepared for yourself?

Dear friends, storing resources is not condemned; you must also be rich toward God.

