1ST LESSON: 2 Chron. 32:24-33

2ND LESSON: Luke 17:22-37

Hezekiah was ill to the point of death, and God sent the prophet Isaiah to him to put his house in order, for he will die.

Hezekiah prayed and God heard him, sending Isaiah to him again, adding that God had given the king fifteen years more

The word of God was confirmed with a sign of making the shadow cast by the sun go back by ten steps

But Hezekiah’s heart was proud and did not respond to God’s kindness as expected

Hezekiah built stores for his grains and made treasuries for his silver and gold and villages for his flock and herds

When envoys from Babylon who heard of his illness, the miraculous sign and recovery came to visit him, God left him to test him, to know everything that was in his heart

Unfortunately, Hezekiah was more interested in showing off his wealth to the envoys

The kingdom of God is already among you, replied Jesus but you will long for the return of the Son of Man

People would long to see Jesus’ earthly ministry again but will not be able instead false prophets will attempt to convince others that they are the Christ

Jesus said his earthly ministry would end with his suffering of many things and his rejection by his generation

He referred to the days of Noah and Lot, where the people rejected God’s means of salvation and continued their daily business until judgment met them unexpectedly.

This is precisely how it will be when the Son of Man comes again.

Hence there is a need for urgency in following Christ because his return would happen when no man expects.

Those who focus on earthly existence would lose their life; rather they should put Jesus ahead of everything in their lives.

