Zephaniah prophesied during the reign of Josiah as King of Judah and his message opens with a warning about the Day of the Lord.
This day can refer to a severe judgment on Judah (vs. 7b-13) because of their idolatrous rebellion and so for the whole world (vs. 14-18)
The people should be silent before God as he reveals what will happen to the people.
God will punish the leaders and the princes of Judah, and those who worship idols.
In Judah, the terror will not only hit those in the market area but God would search out for even the people in the darkest corners.
God would punish those who are complacent and believe God will not act.
People will hear sorrowful sounds on the LORD’s special Day of Judgment, and even strong soldiers will cry as God shows his anger.
Their blood will spill on the ground because they have sinned against God and not even their gold and silver will be able to help them.
In the second lesson, Jesus speaks of the desolation of Jerusalem, “when you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near”
This fall occurred in AD 70, during the first Jewish-Roman War that led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.
Jesus warned his immediate audience to flee and avoid Jerusalem at these signs because what had been written would come to pass as a time of punishment for rebellion.
The calamity will be so severe that the category that enjoys privileges will partake in the disaster.
And later, the Day of the Lord will be fulfilled for the world, with terrifying signs coming upon the earth.
But Jesus added “When all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near.