1ST LESSON: Joshua 9:1-27

2ND LESSON: 2Corinthians 4:1-15

After the death of Moses, Israel began to take possession of the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua

After they had destroyed Jericho and Ai, the kings west of Jordan combined their armies to fight as one against the Israelites

But the Hivites quietly resorted to a ruse by sending ambassadors to Joshua in the pretense that they were from a faraway land, bearing old wineskin, dry and moldy bread, and putting on old clothes and sandals.

The men of Israel hesitated to make a peace agreement but the Hivites denied living close by but had only heard the news of God’s power with Israel

A few days after the peace agreement, the Israelites found out that the men were from the neighborhood

For Israel had examined their moldy bread but had not consulted God

Because their oath was in God’s name they were forced to keep the peace agreement but relegated the Hivites to servants for the entire community and the house of God

In the second lesson, Paul in his second letter to the church in Corinth reaffirms his commitment to God-given ministry and his cautious approach to ministry

Paul teaches that Jesus is Lord.

He added that those who do not believe has been blind folded by Satan, hence they cannot see the light of the gospel

Paul explains that they have this treasure (the gospel) from God and the bearers are common clay jars; concerning the inestimable worth of the gospel itself

Despite the fierce persecutions, Paul continued to carry the death of Jesus around in his body; always being given over to death for Jesus' sake

Because of Paul’s faith, he will continue to speak. He knows that Christ’s resurrection guarantees the resurrection of believers

And that as this grace reaches more people, it will cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God

