1ST LESSON: Isaiah 40:12-26

2ND LESSON: Hebrews 3:7-19

Isaiah in this passage speaks of a time when the Jewish exiles will be asking if God can save them

God then asked some rhetorical questions, whose answers affirmatively demonstrate that God is all-powerful and has no equal

Who created the universe, counseled him, and who in creation can be compared to Him? No one!

God measured the oceans, the sky, the dust of the earth, and the mountains, with his hands

No one can read his mind, teach or advise him, because He’s all-knowing

Before Him, the nations of the earth are like a drop in the bucket

All the animals in Lebanon forest and the woods of the forest are not enough to make a burnt offering worthy of our God

A humanly conceived and fabricated image cannot compare to Him

God is not only the creator but superior to the rulers of this world and the starry host of heaven

In the second lesson, the author of Hebrews warned his audience against unbelief, alluding to Psalms 96:1-5

“Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…”

Israel was cited as the case study, because of their rebellion and testing God, despite witnessing God’s powerful acts in the wilderness

God saw that their hearts were always going astray refusing to do what He told them, so He became angry with them and declared on oath “They shall never enter my rest”

The author appealed to his audience that they should ensure none of them have a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God, rather encourage one another to believe “today”

If we continue to trust God firmly as we did when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ

The closing rhetorical questions showed what went wrong for the wilderness generation, leading to God’s judgment not to enter his rest.

