165TH EDITION, JUNE 25TH, 2023

1ST LESSON: Deut 14:22-29

2ND LESSON: 2 Cor 9:5-101 John 5:1-13

Moses speaks to the new generation of Israelites on tithes. They must observe the annual tithing upon their arrival at the Promised Land.

Each family must observe the pilgrimage to the town where the Temple shall be located.

There, each man is to eat the tithe of the grain, wine, olive oil, and firstborn of herds and flock with his family in the presence of God; so that they may learn to honor God always.

Alternatively, they are to convert the tithes to cash if the distance is very far and then use the money to buy meat and wine needed for the feast.

At every third year, they are not to eat the tithe but store it up for the Levites, strangers, widows, and fatherless.

Although the tithing principle is held-up as a practice in Christianity, but the detailed religious practice here was mainly for the Jews in their national religion of Judaism.

The church in Macedonia had done great because Paul had boasted to them about the generosity of the believers at Corinth

Now the Corinth believers must not underperform

Paul urged the Corinthian church to finish the arrangements of the promised generous gift in support of the Jerusalem church.

While he sent Titus and two church delegates to supervise the collections before his arrival so that he will not be disappointed upon his arrival

Giving should be cheerfully done; not under compulsion due to some exerted pressure or seeming like a painful loss

Because of this, Paul gave the Corinthian church ample time to prepare their minds, and urging rather than compelling them in his apostolic authority.

He reminded them of this principle “the proportion of seed sown dictates the harvest”

Friends, whosoever gives generously will reap both the spiritual grace and material prosperity that the Lord provides

