208TH EDITION, APRIL28th, 2024

1ST LESSON: Lev 3:1-17

2ND LESSON: 1 Cor. 16:1-14

The first lesson presents the regulations for Fellowship Offering, also called Peace Offering

In this chapter, the same instruction was repeated indicating the different possible sources of the animal for this offering; herd, flock, and goat

The herd refers to cattle, while flock means sheep or goats and the animals may be male or female, unlike burnt offerings that must be male

A food offering which is made up of the fat and internal organs of the animal must be burnt on the altar as an aroma pleasing to the Lord

While the worshipper eats all the meat except the portion that goes to the priest, the breast and the right thigh

In ancient times the fat portions of the animal were considered the very best parts and it is to be reserved for God

The primary purpose is to enact fellowship between God and people; fat and blood go to the Lord on the altar and meat is eaten by the people

In the letter to the Corinthians, Apostle Paul addressed a question about the collection for God’s people in Jerusalem

To ease the collection he instructed that they should set aside a portion of their earnings every Sunday so that urgent fundraising will not be needed when he comes.

Although the Jerusalem church commissioned the missions to the Gentiles it became in need at a point, and it was most likely due to famine (Act 11:28), so Paul was raising funds for them through the Gentile churches he founded.

Paul also notifies the church of his visit plan and asks them to cooperate with Timothy whom he sent to them

He urged them to be on guard, stand firm in faith, be strong and courageous, and do everything in love

Paul prays the grace of the Lord to be with them

