1ST LESSON: Judges 5:6-23

2ND LESSON: 1 Peter 4:1-11

The first lesson presents the song of Deborah after the Lord defeated the Canaanites through Deborah, Barak son of Abinoam and Jael.

Before this time, God had permitted the Canaanites under the command of Sisera to oppress Israel for twenty years because they did evil in the eyes of the Lord

For fear of those terrorizing them, the highways have been abandoned and travelers had to travel through winding paths

Even villagers would not fight back until Deborah arose, as a prophetess, judge, and a mother in Israel

They very much needed God's intervention because they did not even have shields or spears for war against their enemy

When God through Deborah instructed Barak to go to war against Sisera, volunteers came from Ephraim, Benjamin, Makir, Zebulun, Naphtali, and Issachar

Reuben, Gilead, Dan, and Asher stayed back without joining the Israeli force but the stars fought from heaven for Israel

Peter talked about emulating Christ’s suffering in the body; obeying God rather than sin even if it meant suffering

Whoever suffers in the body is done with sin and such won’t spend the rest of their lives chasing the evil human desires but are anxious to do the will of God

Peter advised his readers to ignore the slander of their former friends especially now that they no longer participate in the wild, sinful, and destructive things they do

Because the people who reject God would have to face God for their judgment, both the living and the dead

That is why the Good News was preached even to the dead and they received the opportunity to live forever with God in the Spirit

Peter further encouraged his audience to be earnest and disciplined in prayers and continue to show deep love for each other

Each man’s gift should be used in serving one another

