1ST LESSON: Daniel 8:15-27

2ND LESSON: Rev. 20:1-15

The first lesson describes a vision Daniel saw while serving Belshazzar; the king during the end of the Babylonian period He saw a ram with two horns, which no animal could stand against, then came a goat with a prominent horn between his eyes, who overpowered the ram At the height of the goat’s power, its large horn was broken off and four prominent horns grew in its place The two-horned ram is the king of Media and Persia who the king of Greece replaced; the shaggy goat The first king of Greece was Alexander the Great, who died young and his kingdom was divided among four of his generals Then arose Antiochus IV who strongly persecuted the Jews and profaned the worship of God in Jerusalem by erecting a holy object sacred to Zeus, right inside the temple John saw an angel who chained up the Devil (Satan), dumped him in the Abyss, and sealed it tight for a thousand-year He also saw vindicated believers who would reign with Christ as priest for one thousand years They include those beheaded for their testimony about Jesus and for proclaiming the word of God, as well as those who rejected the mark of the beast or worshipped it After the millennial reign, Satan will be released briefly and he would raise a vast army against the city of God but a fire from heaven will consume his armies Then comes the judgment of Satan; he will be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur and will be tormented forever Now, all the dead both great and small will stand before the throne and will be judged by the books Those whose names are not found in the Book of Life will be thrown in the lake of fire

