1ST LESSON: Neh. 10:32-39

2ND LESSON: Acts 20:28-30

The first lesson entails the reforms of Nehemiah after the Babylonian exile return

Ezra had read the law, the people confessed their sins, and now the leaders went on to make a binding agreement

For the service of the House of God, they accept the responsibility for paying the required annual tax

They also accept contributions of wood to burn on the altar by families, according to the Law

They agree to bring to God the firstfruits of crops and vines

The people made a vow to present the firstborn sons, also of cattle, herds, and flock to God through the ministering priests

They take responsibility for bringing the best of their grain and contributions to the priest in the storerooms of the Temple of God

And a tithe of their crop they will also be brought to the Levites, and as God’s people, they will not neglect the house of God

The second lesson also narrates the farewell message of Paul to the Ephesians' Elders

At this point, Paul was uncertain of what would happen to him now that the Spirit compelled him to go to Jerusalem

Although he has been warned that prison and hardship await him, and he may not get to be with the church at Ephesus again

Hence, the elders should take heed of themselves first and keep watch of the people which

the Holy Spirit has made them overseers

Paul instructed the elders to be shepherds of the church of God, over the people bought with the blood of Christ

He also called their attention to the infiltration of false teachers. They will be like wild wolves and will try to destroy the flock.

In addition, men from the church community would come up with wrong teachings and they would lead some followers away from the truth

