1ST LESSON: Exodus 14:1-25

2ND LESSON: Rev 15:1-8

The first lesson presents the deliverance of Israel and the wrath of God on Egypt

Pharaoh changed his mind after they had released the Israelites to go, he chased them with the best of his troops

For God has hardened Pharaoh's heart that He may display his glory and for the Egyptians to know that He is the LORD

As the Israelites saw the Egyptian troops, they complained bitterly but Moses assured them of God’s salvation; they should stay calm.

The angel of the LORD and the pillar of cloud stood between the troops and the Israelites and they could not advance closer

Moses raised his over the sea on God’s instruction and God opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind

So the Israelites walked through on dry ground

God threw confusion into the Egyptian troops and twisted their chariot wheels

The Egyptians panicked and attempted to back out, for they realized that God was fighting against them, but it was too late

The second lesson covers a portion of John’s revelation described as a marvelous event of great significance

John saw seven angels holding the seven last plagues which would bring God’s wrath to completion

John also saw a people who had been victorious over the beast, standing on what seemed like a glass sea mixed with fire

The people were holding harps that God had given them and were singing the songs of Moses and the song of the Lamb

This alludes to the thanksgiving song of Moses that came after the deliverance at the Red Sea, but now, all nations will come and worship before God

After this, the temple in heaven was open and the seven angels with the seven plagues came out of it to pour out God’s wrath on the earth

