211TH EDITION, MAY19th, 2024

1ST LESSON: Num. 11:1-6

2ND LESSON: Acts 2:1-17

Not long after the people set out from Sinai to head to the Promised Land, they began to complain of hardship

When God heard their complaints, He became angry, and fire from Him burned among the people

Then the people cried to Moses for help, Moses prayed and the fire stopped, and they named the place Taberah

Again the foreigners who had joined the Israelites began wanting other things to eat and the Israelites soon joined them to complain

“We want to eat meat” “We remember the fish we ate in Egypt… With vegetables like cucumber, melons, olives, onions, and garlic, but all we have now is manna

Moses was upset and questioned God for having to carry the responsibility of the Israelites

Hence God instructed him to select seventy elders and upon these, God gave some of the Spirit on Moses, so that they could share in the responsibility

On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place and what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them

Everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability

Hearing the noise, everyone came running to see what was happening, including the devout Jews that have come from every part of the world for the Pentecost festival

They were surprised to hear the believers speaking their language because the visitors were both Jews and Gentiles that are converted to Judaism

At this, they concluded that the believers were drunk

Then Peter stepped forward and preached to the crowd “What you see now was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel

In the last days, God says, “I will pour out my Spirit upon all people”

