213TH EDITION, JUNE2nd, 2024

1ST LESSON: Pro 3:1-12

2ND LESSON: Matt 19:13-15

The third chapter of Proverbs presents a parental lecture to the son, focusing on religious and ethical obligations and followed with beneficial promises There is long life, peace, and prosperity in keeping and applying the father’s teachings If you don’t let love and being faithful leave you, you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man Trusting God completely without leaning on your understanding will make your path straight If you are not wise in your own eyes and shun evil you will have sound health If you honor the Lord with your wealth your food store will overflow The father also warns the son not to despise the Lord’s discipline and not resent his rebuke, for God’s discipline comes out of his love The Lord disciplines the son so that he may align with the teachings and experience the Lord’s benefits The obligation of the son moves from the son to the father, to other people, and ultimately to God In the second lesson, parents brought their little children to Jesus They wanted him to place his hands on them and pray for them but the disciples told the people to stop bringing their children to him This was because at this period children were considered second-class citizens, hence, the great rabbi should not be bothered by them But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” Don’t stop them, because God’s kingdom belongs to people who are like these children This does not mean that children are automatically saved but that those who acknowledge their dependency on God, like children do, can then come to Jesus in the right spirit Jesus placed his hands on their heads and blessed them

